Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Are you no longer a US citizen when you walk into a school?

Former Student Who Created Facebook Group Critical of Teacher Sues High School Over Suspension

A former Florida high school student who was disciplined for "cyberbullying" a teacher on Facebook is suing the school principal on allegations of violating her free speech rights.

Before you start whining about frivolous lawsuits, remember that this is the third check on our government. This country is unique in that a lone person on the streets may stand before the courts and their government and say "Hey, that's not right," and the courts can look at their case and say "Yeah, you're right, that's /not/ right."

You, citizen, have power. It's not a perfect system, but there are a heck of a lot worse.

This particular case regards the fact that minors and students still have rights, /especially/ when they are not at school.

Freedom of speech does not protect /popular/ speech, it protects that which is /unpopular./ If we take away one right, where will that lead us?

And students have the ability to speak out. They should not be censored. Freedom of speech is your right, and it is their right too. You do /not/ give up your rights as a citizen to the moment you enter a school, and you ESPECIALLY do not give up your rights /away/ from it!

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