United States Ranked 36th In The World For Press Freedom
The United States is ranked 36th in the world in terms of press freedom, up from 48th last year, according to a report released Wednesday by Reporters Sans Frontieres.
The US is tied with Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cape Verde, South Africa, Spain, and Taiwan in the 36th spot."
Having a corporate filter on the media which censors out current events which displease them is not a free press. Having Fox act as a propaganda outlet for the government is also detrimental to a free press and on top of being illegal. When talking points are used from the government they must be labeled as such, not passed off as analysis by commentators. To do that is propagandizing.
There are six companies that own 90% of the media in the United States, meaning that there is no free market, nor free market of ideas within the press.
You can check out who owns what media on Who Owns What? Columbia Journalism Resources
"I have no fear for liberty so long as the press remains free." - Jefferson
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