Saturday, December 20, 2008

Churches should stay out of politics or be TAXED.

Prop 8 Sponsors Want to Nix 18,000 Gay Marriages

The sponsors of Proposition 8 are asking the California Supreme Court to nullify the marriages of the estimated 18,000 same-sex couples who exchanged vows before voters last month approved the ballot initiative"

Look, sorry you fascists, but that's simply impossible.

1.) It's called a Grandfather clause and that means you can't just make something illegal or void something with an ex post facto law.

2.) Prop 8 has zero legal standing. It was a Constitutional Amendment passed as a proposition by simple majority without ever having gone through the state legislative bodies. Even in the legislature you need to have a two thirds majority to pass.

3.) You do not have the required "compelling justification" for the nullification of 18,000 marriages, especially when it would cost the state millions

4.) Stick it, assholes.

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